"If you would not like to be forgotten long after you are dead, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing"-- Benjamin Franklin
This blog is an exciting new venture of the NSS of IIT Madras to create a magazine, which would cover topics in the realm of Sciences and Social Sciences, an aid for the students of classes VIII-XII. Our vision is to complement the student's academics with creative, coherent and concise inputs while creating an awareness about socio-political issues.
Swing Bowling
Nuclear Bombs
Aurora Lights
Kuiper Belt
Reflection of Sound
The Archimedes' Principle
Refracting Telescope
Halley's Comet
How does a fan produce air?
Extinction of Dinosaurs
Evolution of Bicycles
Andromeda Galaxy
The Doppler Effect
Non-Conserative Induced Electric Field
Consider a circuit with a 10V battery and two resistors R1=80 ohms and R2 =20 ohms. If we are to calculate the current i through the circuit, applying the Kirchhoff’s loop law yields this:

If we were to find the potential difference between A and B as shown,we have two paths at our disposal, namely, 1 & 2:
By following path 1, we get Va - Vb = 80(0.1) = 8 V
By following path 2,we get Va - Vb = 10 - 20(0.1) = 8 V
Any path taken gives the same value of Va - Vb. With further deductions, we can understand that this must hold good because electric field produced by the battery or, in general, any static charge is conservative.
Now, consider the case of magnetically induced electric fields. Are they conservative or non-conservative? To analyze their nature, utilize a similar setup without the battery. Instead, there is a changing magnetic field through the loop.
Consider the instant when the rate of change of the flux through the loop is exactly 10V. According to Faraday’s Law, EMF induced in the loop will be 10V. Again, we find the current i through the loop, which comes out to be 0.1 A. Let the two digital voltmeters be connected across the two resistors as shown.
We may judge that both the voltmeters will show the same reading as they are connected across the same points. Surprisingly, this is not so!
The voltmeters show entirely different readings .This is rationalized by these calculations.
We found that the current in the circuit is 0.1A. So, if we go trace path 1 we get
Va - Vb = 80(0.1) = 8 V,
which will be the same reading as that of the voltmeter V1.
By path 2,we get
Va - Vb = -20(0.1) = -2 V
Evidently, this dissimilarity points to the fact that we ‘removed’ the battery voltage source (and replaced it with something else). So, voltmeter V2 shows -2V.
Summing it up, we get two voltmeters attached across the same two points showing different readings. What is the mystery behind this baffling complication?
Well, magnetically induced electric fields are non-conservative. When we calculate potential difference between two points taking two different paths, we get different answers unlike the electric field created by charges. Thus, magnetically induced fields are non-conservative in nature and forms loops. This property is different from the conventional electric fields, which emerge at a positive charge and end at a negative charge. Can you find out some more anomalies of non-conservative fields?
Our Solar System
The solar system consists of the sun and other astronomical bodies orbiting around it under the influence of its gravitational field. These celestial bodies include the planets, their satellites and meteorites. While satellites revolve around their planets, and the planet around the sun, it is intriguing to note that the solar system too, keeps revolving around the nucleus of Milky Way at a distance of about 30,000 light years. So, what is a light year? To analyse astronomical distances the units that we come across daily viz., metre, foot are extremely inadequate. Instead, imagine the distance light could travel in a year when it can cover 30,00,00,000 m in a second! As the name says, this is what is termed as a light year.
The sun, which has a diameter that can fit hundred and nine earth-sized bodies, is the ultimate fuel for life on earth. Contrary to the popular belief that the sun is a stationary star, it moves with the solar system at a spectacular speed of 828,000 km/hr!
What seem to be merely floating about the Sun, are not just some spherical masses of various sizes. Unique in their own way in almost every aspect, these distant bodies have kept people right from the ancient times to the modern ages wondering about their veiled mysteries, giving rise to fascinating mythologies and startling scientific discoveries.
Mercury, the planet closest to the sun is a god of trade in Roman mythology. (Doesn’t the name sound similar to ‘merchant’?) Venus, though resembles the Earth in many ways, is highly uninhabitable – it has a dense atmosphere of carbon-dioxide and sulphur brought about by extensive volcanic activity.
The red planet Mars, is usually associated with wars and masculinity in mythologies. Mars has the same colour as that of rust. Can you now guess what could be the compound behind its brilliant hue?
While planets closer to the sun, namely, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are ‘terrestrial’, the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus are actually ‘gas’ giant. (Pluto is no more considered a planet now.) In fact, the ringed-planet Saturn is so gaseous that, it is buoyant enough to float on water! (No, Jupiter sinks!) The answer lies in Archimedes’ Principle. The hint is, Saturn’s average density is 0.7g/cm3 and Jupiter’s is 1.4g/cm3.
Accompanying these planets, we have a belt of asteroids located roughly between Mars and Jupiter. These bodies have no regular shape and can have mean diameters of more than 400km.
Uranus, the god of the skies in Greek mythology, has an almost horizontal axis of rotation! Neptune is a near-twin to Uranus. This was the first planet to be ‘mathematically predicted’ from unexpected changes in Uranus’s orbit.
- Edited by Vaishnavh