Dinosaurs are wonder to both
adults and children. It is hard to imagine that such a large creature roamed on
earth once upon a time. They were most successful creatures than any other
group of animals and mammals. They ruled our planet for about 150 million
years. They are probably giant killing machines. But 65 million years ago they
suddenly disappeared from the earth. What had actually happened at that time? Did the dinosaurs face terrible catastrophic conditions on earth? It is one of
the great mysteries of paleontology.
The mystery beyond this question
increased when scientific researches revealed a fact that the dinosaurs were
adapted to their environment and apparently had worldwide distribution. Their
traces were found in every continent including Antarctica and some isolated
oceanic islands.
Scientists started extensive
research in this aspect. They obtained geological evidences which holds clues
and led to many hypothesis. But still there are many unanswered questions like
what is the process of extinction and how long does it take. There are several
theories put forth by many scientists. Some of the important theories are
Asteroid impact theory:
Asteroid impact theory:
This theory proposes that a large asteroid of
about 10 km diameter wide entered into earth’s atmosphere. At that time this
incident was very sudden and would not be prevented. It crashed on the surface
of earth. At first 50 percent of all the creatures and dinosaurs died then. Due
to the impact of the asteroid the sky around earth was blanketed by smoke and
dust for many years. This layer did not allow sun rays. Because of lack of
sunlight plants and greenery of earth started reducing. Due to this herbivorous
dinosaurs began to die which consequently led to the extinction of carnivorous

Multiple impact theory:
scientists proposed that small meteorites had entered earth’s atmosphere and
aroused multiple impact on its surface. The damage caused by the impact of
multiple meteorites is equal to the damage caused by the impact of asteroid and
the result is same.
Another theory explains that there is large number of volcanic eruptions on the earth at that time. They increase the temperature on earth and poisonous gases are released. The level of oxygen also dropped. As dinosaurs are very huge they need very large amount of oxygen for their respiratory system. This theory proposes that large dinosaurs died due to lack of oxygen and the very small dinosaurs which had survived evolved to birds further.
Floods and natural calamities:
Here in
this theory it was proposed that there were floods and natural calamities like large tsunamis,
hurricanes etc. Even unable to face these calamities dinosaurs might have died.
theories say that dinosaurs might have faced several fatal diseases at that
time like cancer. They may have got nutritional problem. Because of some
poisonous plants the herbivorous died which consequently led to the death of
carnivores.Along with these theories many others were proposed. But none of
them was approved as a perfect answer to the question of extinction of
Whatever might havehappened was good for us because if they still
ruled our planet humans and many other creatures might not have evolved.
by Prathiba
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